Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular and Enrichment Programs
King Arts is home to many outstanding enrichment and extracurricular programs that are sponsored by the school and in conjunction with external partners, including the PTA, Y.O.U. (Youth Organization Umbrella), and District 65. The list below includes many of the major programs and links to access more information.
Chess Club - Grades K-8
Oct. 1 – April 29
Dues $125 per student
Scholarships Available
The King Arts chess club meets once a week after school at King Arts to enjoy playing and
learning about chess. It is open to all King Arts students who know how to play chess. The basic
rules of chess are not taught in the club. To support focused play, students are separated into
two groups, K-4 and 5-8. The club will meet on Tuesdays from 2:45-4:00pm in room 109 (K-
4) and in the school library (5 – 8). The club is led by a local chess enthusiast, Chris
Christmas who works with kids throughout District 65 to teach them winning strategies.
Chess Club runs from early-October to March. Students can join in the ESCA Chess
Tournaments held from December to March as part of the King Arts Team. It is not mandatory
to participate in the tournaments to be a member of the King Arts Chess Club.
The season will conclude with a medal ceremony and year-end party.
Questions? Email rikima@gmail.com
Lego Robotics - Grades 1-3
Sept. 8 thru Dec. 8
Dues $100 per student
Scholarships Available
King Arts Robotics, the First Lego League focuses on building early interest in science,
technology, engineering, and math (STEM) through a real-world challenge using research,
critical thinking, and imagination. The objectives of the program are to:
Explore challenges facing today’s scientists.
Discover real-world math and science.
Design and build a challenge-related model using LEGO® elements.
Develop teamwork and presentation skills.
The club meets on Sundays between 9 – 10 am at King Arts in the Art Room beginning
September 8 through December 8, 2024. There will be no class on October 13 or December 1.
Questions? Email kingartsrobotics@gmail.com
Math Club - Grades 3-5
Sept. 23 thru May 19
Document classification: Client/Third Party Confidential
Dues $100 per student
Scholarships Available
Math Club lessons are designed to challenge students and have them engage in a productive
struggle. Making mistakes is an important part of learning in Math Club! Students will have fun
with it, with the focus placed on learning math.
Math club alternates between a 3rd/4th grade group and 5th grade group. There will be some
meetings when both sections of the club meet together – e.g., club kick-off, STEM activities, and
core celebrations.
A King Arts teacher overseas the math curriculum and instruction while the parent volunteer
manages the logistics of the club. The club meets on Mondays from 2:45-4:00pm in room
105 beginning on September 23 and ending on May 19.
The season concludes with a parent versus student competition and an end of the year party.
Questions? Email JENRISEN@gmail.com
Right At School - Childcare and After School Enrichment
Right at School offers The Right Club (extended day care), Enrichment on Demand (enrichment classes at King Arts right after school each day), and Half Day Camp on early release days. There is an exciting array of options to choose from for your student. Visit Right At School to learn more or call 855-AT-SCHOOL (855-287-2466).
Athletics - Grades 6-8
Intermural and interscholastic middle school sports are organized and coached by the King Arts Physical Education Team and are offered for all 6th through 8th grade boys and girls in the fall, winter and spring. Sports that are offered are soccer, volleyball, and basketball.
Athletics - Grades 4 & 5
Parent volunteers have the opportunity to coach 4th and 5th grade teams for flag football and basketball during the school year. Please contact the King Arts PTA at kingartspta@gmail.com for additional information.
District 65 Athletics & Enrichment
Visit the District 65 Athletics & Enrichment page for information about spring, fall, and winter elementary athletic teams, activities and after school enrichment programs.
Programs led by the King Arts Drama Department include:
- 2nd Grade Musical
- Middle School Drama Club - Grades 5-8
- Middle School Technical Theater Enrichment - Grades 5-8
- Stories Alive Drama Ensemble – Grade 7
- Shakespeare Ensemble, Shakespeare in the Courtyard – Grade 8
- 7th and 8th Grade Musical (this event occurs every other year)
Girls on the Run - Girls Grades 3-5
Girls on the Run is a running program for girls in grades 3-5. The goals of the Girls on the Run program are to encourage positive emotional, social, mental, and physical development. At the end of the program, the girls participate in the Girls on the Run-Chicago 5k—an event to celebrate inspiration, achievement, spirit, and girl power. The program takes places March-May. Please contact Melissa Bullock at melissa@nabear.com if you have questions, an interested girl(s) or can volunteer to coach. Click here to visit the Girls on the Run Chicago website.
Music - Vocal and Instrumental
Programs led by the King Arts Music Department include:
- Elementary Chorus- Grades 1-4
- Middle School Chorus- Grades 5-8
- Rock-On-Semble - Grades 5-8
- Band – Grades 4-8
- Orchestra – Grades 4-8
- Violin – Grades 2 & 3
- 2nd Grade Musical
- 7th and 8th Grade Musical (this event occurs every other year)
- 7th and 8th grade Guitar Performance Ensembles
Y.O.U. offers a free, high-quality after-school program to King Arts students in grades 3-8, Monday-Thursday from 2:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Fridays 2:45-4:30pm. Y.O.U. is a youth development organization that promotes the agency, success, and well-being of young people and their families through identity-affirming relationships, expanded learning opportunities, and resources to meet emerging needs. The program provides academic and social and emotional support; Y.O.U. offers a broad array of enrichment activities; and provides literacy and other educational services to the families of participating students. Participating students receive a healthy snack every day and field trip opportunities throughout the year at no charge. Students that participate in the after school program also have the opportunity to participate in a free summer program as well.