Goal of Culture & Climate: To create a safe, equitable, and welcoming school environment for students, teachers, and caregivers.
Initiatives for the School Year: By SY26, students will report King Arts as "Organized" in Supportive Environment growing from 37 points to 60 points as measured by 5 E’s.
How will the King Arts staff achieve this goal?
- Social Emotional Learning instruction every day
- Team building during faculty meetings
- Seeking feedback to inform practice
- Leveraging K-8 setting to create mentorship opportunities
- School-wide expectations explicitly taught, posted, and visible
- The King High 5
- Be responsible
- Be respectful
- Be safe
- Be positive
- Be all-in
Who Are We? Culture & Climate Team:
- Dr. Goodlow, Administrator
- Amy Sullivan, K-2 Co-Lead
- La Shanda Flowers, K-2 Co-Lead
- Ryan Johnson, K-2 Rep
- Alana Esshaki, 3-5 Rep
- Andrew Babb-Fowler
- Meg Porter, 6-8 Rep
- Randi Vega, Fine Arts
- Jori Margolis, CARES Team
- Amy Rubel: Individualized Education Services Rep
- Emir Metovic: PE Team Rep